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concept image of woman who chose to remove cellulite

Can a Dermatologist Remove Cellulite?

The vast majority of people, especially women, have cellulite. It’s a common skin condition that causes lumpy and dimpled flesh. It is most commonly found on one’s thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. Despite being harmless medically, many people are eager to get rid of their cellulite. You may wonder, can a dermatologist remove cellulite? Can …

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Man asking if he can prevent pearly penile papules

Can You Prevent Pearly Penile Papules?

Pearly penile papules, also medically referred to as “Hirsutoid papillomas,” are small pink-white growths that are typically found around the head of the penis. Despite the fact that they are not a cause for medical concern, many men are insecure about the condition. The condition impacts men and often looks like small pimples. You may …

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woman wondering why do adults have acne

Why Do Adults Have Acne?

The trouble of acne often impacts people during adolescence. The skin condition is not a serious medical concern, but it can have a profound effect on those affected by it. The root cause of acne is excess oil and bacteria that clog your pores. If you are well beyond adolescence, you may wonder, why do …

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girl using sunscreen to stop how the sun ages her skin

How the Sun Ages Your Skin

Research has shown that most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet rays. Sun exposure can cause short- and long-term issues that can harm your health. In addition to the negative impacts on your health, the sun can also damage your skin and impact your overall aesthetic. Below you will find how …

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Woman checking face for stubborn acne with clear skin

Top Reasons for Stubborn Acne

Acne can make you feel insecure about your appearance and lower your confidence. It most often impacts people during adolescence, but it can occur in adulthood as well. Finding the root cause is one of the most important factors in getting your acne under control. Below you will find the top reasons for stubborn acne …

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A dermatologist treating stretch marks

How a Dermatologist Improves Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common skin condition as it is estimated that up to 90% of women experience them at some point in their life. Men can get stretch marks too, but it is more common among women. Pregnancy, weight gain, and rapid growth spurts can all cause them. Despite being a common skin condition, …

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Woman having mircrodermabrasion to help acne

Does Microdermabrasion Help Acne?

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment that can improve the tone and texture of your skin. It is a minimally invasive treatment that exfoliates the outer layer of your skin to allow new rejuvenated skin to shine through. Microdermabrasion can help improve a variety of skin imperfections, but you may wonder, does microdermabrasion help acne? Below …

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Woman getting a chemical peel for acne

Do Chemical Peels Help With Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that impacts millions of people. Despite how common it is, it can cause issues with one’s self-confidence due to the way it impacts your appearance. Acne can often be treated with topical or oral medications. However, certain cosmetic treatments can also address acne issues. You may wonder, do chemical …

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Collagen in the body with pink tinge.

Why Collagen Production Drops Off In the Body

Collagen is an essential protein found in various parts of your body. In terms of your skin, it is responsible for keeping your face looking youthful, tight, and voluminous. In fact, collagen makes up 70% of your skin’s protein. One of the negative impacts of aging is the decline of collagen in your skin. This …

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Young woman leaning against wall having depression from acne.

Can Acne Cause Depression?

Acne at any age can cause major issues with one’s confidence and self-esteem. Despite acne being a really common skin condition, it can have profound effects on a person’s daily life. Many parents of teens with acne often wonder, can acne cause depression? While acne itself does not cause depression, the effects of having acne …

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